Hello Business Authority,

Johann here!

Every quarter, we love to change our topics of discussion to ensure that all attendees benefit from practical strategies and tactics that can be implemented into their business immediately!

In addition, we bring together Business Authorities from many industries at our Masterminds for you to connect and potentially create joint ventures or partnerships with to accelerate your business exponentially.

For this upcoming gathering, we will be sharing with you some of the systems and strategies we've implemented into our businesses and clients businesses to get MORE LEADS, MORE TIME, MORE PROFITS, and MORE IMPACT!


Quality Leads are the life blood of any business. The more quality leads you have knocking on your door means more cash flow that can be reinvested into growing your business.


You got into business to achieve freedom. With today's technology, you can be any place at any time and your business should be able to run without you.


There are hidden profit centers in your business. We will show you how to uncover these as well as develop new ones so that you can start to accumulate wealth from your business.


The numbers in your bank account are a direct reflection of the number of people you have Impacted. Let us show you to leverage your legacy and create a greater impact on the world.

At previous Business Authorities Power Players Masterminds we sold out completely and had to find room to squeeze extra people in...

So, we are serious when we say BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW and RESERVE YOUR SEAT before it's too late!

An investment of $197 gives you access to the following:

  • Being surrounded by potential JV partners who can accelerate your business exponentially

  • ​More Leads

  • ​More Time

  • ​More Profit

  • ​More Impact

And of course... you get to be part of an ever-growing movement called the Business Authorities Community.

That's an investment that you'll easily be able to recoup within just a few hours of spending your afternoon with us! When you think about how much income you could potentially generate by gaining even 2 extra hours in your week,

Remember that when you share the practical strategies and tactics with your team, employees, interns and business partners, you they can BECOME MORE productive too.I'm sure you'll agree that this is a great investment in yourself and your business.

I also want to make this completely risk-free for you. That's why...

Your Investment Is Protected by Our 30-Day Unconditional Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

We look forward to having you at the next Business Authorities Power Players Mastermind on March 11th, 2020 from 12:00PM - 5:00PM.

However... if you don't agree with any of the proven and practical strategies and how it can help you get more done in less time and less effort, then contact us within 30 days of your attendance and your investment will be refunded with no further questions asked.

No Commitments. No Obligations. No Expectations. We will simply part as acquaintances.

"Pain is inevitable; Suffering is optional." ~ Anonymous

If you want to take control of your life and your results, make the decision to learn how to get more done ... faster, easier, better.

The sky's the limit in terms of what you can achieve.

I’ll see you soon!

To Your Success,

Most educational events and training programs are like chicken nuggets – they're packed with filler. Business Authorities strips away the unnecessary repetition and chatter giving you only pure, golden content that you can Implement directly into your business today!


We are inviting the Power Players in our network to an Exclusive, Invite-Only Half-Day Event with the intent to introduce you to other Power Players who you can joint venture with to accelerate your business in 2020 and the years to follow.

If you are invited to the event, it is with purpose.

We know who you are and who you can do business with and you are invited to participate so that you can get a head start to the new year and create some great joint ventures that will accelerate your business.

The goal by the end of this mastermind is to show you through demonstration, the “power of the collective” and how other business leaders build, grow and scale their business.

This is our network, and now, they are yours too! Reserve your seat TODAY for $197.Full Width


Johann Nogueira

CEO & Founder of Business Authorities

Paul Dunn

Chairman & Founder of B1G1: Business For Good

Eric Chan

MC & CEO of

Earthlink Alliance

Paul Dunn will be making a special appearance to share with the Business Authorities Community...

"Pricing That Blows Your Mind (And Gets You and Your Clients More)".

If there’s one thing that you could do to completely change your business direction instantly, right now, today, it would be how you price your products and services.Full Width

And here are a couple of truths to start:

  • All of us have more problems with our prices than our customers ever do

  • 5 times in the past 13 years, the Nobel Prize for Economics has been won by people who give us clues to a better way forward.

So at the next mastermind, Paul Dunn gets it done for you with insight after insight, example after example and strategy after strategy. And guess what — you’ll be able to apply all of those things instantly — even directly in the session.

And yes, it really will blow your mind!

Here's What Other Business Authorities Community Members Are Saying About Us...

Caliber of the Community

The following are some of the respected people who have attended the Business Authorities Power Players Mastermind:

  • Paul Dunn, Chairman and Founder of B1G1: Business For Good, 4X TEDx Speaker

  • ​Gary Katos, Founder of the Coneheads Franchise

  • Mary Jensen, CEO and High Performance Executive Coach of M Power Services

  • Julie Green, Non-executive Director of the RACV, and Chairperson of 5 boards, including Greening Australia and The Innovation Co-operative

  • Julie Green, Non-executive Director of the RACV, and Chairperson of 5 boards, including Greening Australia and The Innovation Co-operative

  • Damien Roylance, CEO of Entourage Finance, ranked #23 on MPA's 2017 top 100 mortgage brokers in Australia

  • Therese O'Neill, Founder of More Than Mentoring, 2018 Award Winning Mentor at FBAA Awards of Supremacy

  • ​Idan Goldberger, Executive Director of United Israel Appeal

  • ​Sascha Kaluri, Author, Radio Personality, Australia’s very first official Ambassador for the Worldwide United Nations – Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, Herald Sun Columnist

  • ​Belinda Riseley, Managing Director of Motiv8 Training

  • Deane Firth, Director of Tactical Super, Winner of 2 awards at the Accounting Awards in 2018

  • Craig Bottomley, Director of Building Interactive and Johann's Mentor

  • ​Jenny Junkeer, CEO and Founder of Junkeer New Era Consulting

  • Jenny Boymal, Founder of Your Ideal Customer​

  • Reg Malhotra, Founder & High Performance Trainer of Neuro-Masters Academy

What do you stand for?

We believe that it is our duty as parents, business owners, and community members to build businesses. Every business should strive to employ as many people as possible, so that more families are being supported, children are growing up in safer neighborhoods, spending their time learning and innovating, which leads to creating a better world.

This is the legacy that we want to leave behind for my children and yours.

It is through unity that great accomplishments are achieved. The compounding effect of bringing great minds together can spark a fire that creates a movement.

If you’d like to meet CEO’s, great minds, and strategic thinkers to this end, then this mastermind and community are for you.

If, however, you believe that the specific knowledge, information and strategies of the wealthy should be shared by a select few, with the rest of the people and humanity as its servants, then this community is probably not best suited for you.

Structure of the Mastermind

Our masterminds are highly structured with four key purposes:

  • ​You can connect with fellow CEO’s, high level executives, and business owners respected members.

  • ​We facilitate new business opportunities with fellow guests and attendees.

  • ​Everyone learns from each other and from specific experts whom we invite.

  • Learn how our Business Authorities Platform and Formula are changing the trajectories of businesses in our community.

It's a structured event, so please bring business cards, your sense of humor and an expectation to meet other good people through a structured agenda.

"What's in it for me?"

Hey, we get it.

Time is precious and if you have been to our Power Players Masterminds, you know what we are about and how we do things. For those of you who are invited to be part of our community, let me explain why we are different from any other community you have been part of before.

At Business Authorities we are dedicated to opening doors for you to accelerate your business.

"What's does this mean for me?"

It means when you secure your seat, we ask you a couple of questions to find out where you are and where you want to go with your business. This allows us to put you on a table with your IDEAL CLIENTS, or with your IDEAL JOINT VENTURE PARTNERS.

You see, we have been in business for a long time and know that the quickest way to accelerate your business is through Joint Ventures. So, we sit you next to the person we know you will most likely do business with.

Our previous masterminds were schedule from 12:00PM - 5:00PM but many of our attendees stayed until 10:00PM and built relationships that have yielded business opportunities to help accelerate their business.

How To Reserve Your Seat:

Interested in attending a life-changing experience and mastermind? Reserve your seat for $197 on the checkout page!

A Message From Our CEO and Founder, Johann Nogueira

"What legacy will we leave behind for our kids and their generation?"

When I started my first company in 2004, my goals were self-centred and based on what I wanted to achieve for myself.

Over the years my thinking shifted. I learned how to create joint ventures and share as much value as I could with those around me. This thought process was amplified the day my first child, Maximilian was born.

I became more aware of my mortality and realized I had a bigger purpose in life.

Business Authorities was started so that my wife, Kyoko Yoshizumi and I could work towards leaving behind a legacy for our two kids, Maximilian and Aurèlia.

This business was also borne out of heartbreaking situations where two of my friends took their own lives.

Like so many other Business Owners, they started their business with excitement and passion and even attained some level of success.

As time went on, the stress and isolation started taking a toll on them. Feeling unsupported and with no clear direction, they each took bad advice from the wrong people and their companies continued to flounder.

The depression they felt at work permeated in all areas of their lives causing large amounts of stress that negatively impacted their relationships with families and friends. Feeling like there was nowhere to turn to for proper guidance, support and practical solutions, they took the worst possible path. Suicide.

I was not only blindsided and gutted by the tragic news of their deaths, I felt extremely furious and frustrated because what they thought were overwhelming obstacles could have easily been resolved.

Rather than continue to feel sorrow, I made it my mission to help come up with a solution so that this doesn’t happen ever again to those I care about. If small businesses were feeling so lost and confused, then I could certainly gather all the wealth of knowledge I had and put it together into an easy to follow program. In this program, my team and I will give effective business strategies and valuable advice to help lift the fog.

With that said, I started documenting how I applied this knowledge to my company Building Interactive Pty Ltd, which is now at a $20M valuation in 3 years. This practical knowledge of systems, processes, tactics, tools and strategies has now become known as the Business Authorities Formula.

Our vision is to leave behind specific knowledge, information and strategies that are passed down by the wealthy families through the generations. There is a reason they say "the rich get richer"; It is because of the passing of knowledge to the next generation and how to implement it.

Tony Robbins, through his career, has created a movement and is responsible for changing the lives of millions of people and indirectly changing the world for the better. He did this through the dissemination of knowledge that was only taught to the wealthy and made it available to the masses.

We aim to compound on this by empowering business leaders with the right information and resources, at the right time, using the step-by-step roadmap of the Business Authorities Formula. No longer will business owners have to guess and do it the hard. This removes any guesswork when building, growing, and scaling your business.

By providing a proven formula, your business can grow and thrive, giving you back the most valuable resource, TIME! Time to spend with your loved ones and time to make the world a better place.


As mentioned, we believe in creating a better world for future generations! When you attend the Business Authorities Power Players Mastermind, you will create an immediate impact on the lives of those in need.

In collaboration with B1G1 Business For Good, for every ticket sold, you will help Communities Affected by Australian Bushfires. The massive bushfires sweeping across the country have shocked Australians and the world in their size and ferociousness. Since the start of the 2019 fire season, a staggering 10 million hectares have been burned, with almost all states and territories impacted.

Together with YOU and the Business Authorities Community, we hope to accomplish all 17 Sustainable Goals listed below and create over 1 BILLION impacts around the world!

How To Reserve Your Seat:

Interested in attending a life-changing experience and mastermind? Reserve your seat for $197 on the checkout page!

Can I Invite a Guest?

Yes, you can.

Ideal people to invite include clients, potential clients and associates who:

  • Involved in businesses which have been established for 3+ years

  • Are generating a minimum of $5M in annual revenues

  • Set high standards

  • Believe that exceptional things are possible

The community is relying on us to uphold the caliber and values of the community. So, if you do want to invite somebody to join the mastermind, please email Kenny Tran ( to confirm that it’s okay.

Can Anyone Attend?

No. This event is by invitation-only!

If you’re received an invitation, it’s because you know somebody who is already connected to this community. We will not advertise the event or the community publicly.

Please Register Soon!

If you do want to attend, please reserve your seat by March 8th, 2020. That will help us with our logistics and secure your seat at the mastermind.

This exclusive, invite-only mastermind will sell out fast. So reserve your seat ahead of time.

We look forward to seeing you at the event in person. If you have any questions, please call me directly on 0412 857 078

To Your Success,

Johann Nogueira

CEO and Founder

Business Authorities

M: +61 412857078


“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - Buckminster Fuller

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